Hauls · Skincare

Skincare Haul

I graduated post secondary as an esthetician and I haven’t been able to work as much while in school just because schedules wouldn’t match up. This resulted in my skincare splurge today 😭😭 I haven’t shopped for myself in so long I guess this was a way of treating myself for finishing the program. You have to spoil yourself sometimes, am I right?? Also, I watched Desi’s skin care video and it inspired me to revamp my skincare routine because my skin hasn’t been the best lately.
From Sephora:

From London Drugs:

I always use the eos Shave Cream above. It smells so lovely and it leaves your skin so soft after shaving. I definitely recommend!

I’ll test the rest of the products out and make an updated post! I tried to link the First Aid Radiance Overnight Mask because it’s on sale; however, I think they might be doscontinuing this product which is why I couldn’t find it online? I also got quite a few samples to try out so I’ll include those in my next updated post.

If you have ever tried any of the products above, let me know how you liked or didn’t like them! What are the skincare products you swear by?

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